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Terms of Service

Last Updated 22nd of June 2024

1. Introduction

We provide access to and use of our Service following these Terms & Conditions. Your use of our Website and/or our Service, registering for our Service, or clicking a box indicating your acceptance of these (“Terms”), you acknowledge that you have read carefully, understood fully, and agree to be legally bound by these Terms of Service and our Privacy Policy, which is incorporated herein by reference. If you do not agree to any part of these Terms of Service or our Privacy Policy, please do not use our Service.

  1. Welcome to Right Turn Websites (“Company”, “we”, “our”, “us”). These Terms of Service (“Terms”, “Terms of Service”) govern your use of our website hosting and semi-custom templates service located at (together or individually “Service” , “Services”) operated by the Company.
  2. By accessing or using our Service, you (“customer”, “you”, “your”) agree to comply with and be bound by these Terms. If you do not agree with any part of the Terms, you must not use our Service.
  3. We reserve the right to update these Terms of Service. The “Last Updated” date at the top indicates the most recent changes. If we make any revisions, we may notify you through reasonable means, such as email, a notice on our Services, or by updating the “Last Updated” date. Unless specified otherwise in the notice, the amended Terms of Service will take effect immediately. Your continued use of our Services after any changes signifies your acceptance of the updated Terms. If you do not agree to the amended Terms, you must discontinue using our Services immediately.

2. Our Service

  1. Right Turn Websites will provide you (or any entity for which has the authority to act) access to, and use of, the Service subject to these Terms of Service.
  2. While Right Turn Websites will provide the Service with reasonable care and skill consistent with industry standards for web design and hosting services, we cannot guarantee that the Service will be free from faults or interruptions.
  3. Right Turn Websites will always aim to solve or remedy such faults or interruptions to the service as soon as possible during opening hours which can be found on our Contact page.
  4. Right Turn Websites cannot guarantee the uninterrupted availability of the Service at all times. We reserve the right to suspend access to the Website, Service, and related applications for operational reasons, including but not limited to repairs, maintenance, upgrades, or the introduction of new services. We will endeavor to minimize the frequency and duration of such disruptions. Additionally, there may be occasions when the Service is unavailable due to circumstances beyond our reasonable control.

3. Your use of the Service

  1. Right Turn Websites will not be liable for any loss of profit or any indirect, special or consequential loss, damage, costs, expenses or other claims (whether caused by Right Turn Websites agents or otherwise) which arise out of or in connection with the supply of Services.
  2. The Customer shall indemnify Right Turn Websites against all damages, costs, claims and expenses suffered by arising from loss or damage to any equipment (including that of third parties) caused by the Customer, its agents or employees with the supply of Services.

4. Intellectual Property

  1. You acknowledge and agree that Right Turn Websites and/or our licensors own all legal rights, interest in and to the Service, the Website and any information, data, graphics, stock images, and features contained therein, including all changes, enhancements, alterations or modifications made thereto, and all proprietary rights in any of the foregoing (collectively, Right Turn Websites IP), shall be and remain the sole and exclusive property of Right Turn Websites (whether those rights happen to be registered or not, and wherever in the world those rights may exist).
  2. Right Turn Websites will retain ownership of all websites created for a duration of 36 months. At the conclusion of this period, ownership of the website will be transferred to the client.

5. Payment for Service

  1. Upon agreeing to use the service, payment for the services provided by Right Turn Websites shall be made monthly via direct debit using our GoCardless Direct Debit facility.
  2. The Direct Debit agreement will need to be in place before the service can commence.
  3. Once enrolled on GoCardless you authorize Right Turn Websites to automatically bill your payment method at the beginning of each month for the ongoing service period. You will receive notification that the payment is to be taken.
  4. This Direct Debit will appear on your bank statement under the reference GOCARDLESS XXXX. For further information regarding GoCardless Terms of Use please follow this link:
  5. Should you chose to end the Service, you can cancel your Direct Debit until 6pm two business days (Monday – Friday) prior to the date money is scheduled to be collected from your bank account. Once the final fees have been settled then the GoCardless Direct Debit agreement will be cancelled on our side and the Service will end.

6. Termination or Suspension

We may suspend access to all or part of the Service and/or terminate our agreement with you immediately without notice:

  • for any of the reasons set out in these Terms and Conditions;
  • if there is a technical failure to the Service;
  • it is necessary for the security of the Service;
  • if you materially breach these Terms and Conditions;
  • we believe that the Service is being used in a way forbidden or otherwise not permitted by these Terms and Conditions (this applies even if you do not know that the Services are being used in such a way);
  • you fail to get your negative account balance up to date within 10 days of a request to do so;
  • if you become insolvent (or suffer or incur any event or circumstances analogous to insolvency)
  • if you are under 18 years of age (or the age of legal majority where you live), you may not use our Services.

When submitting user content to our platform (or communicating in any other way using our Website), you must not submit, communicate or otherwise do anything that:

  • Infringing upon, assisting in the infringement of, or participating in activities that violate the intellectual property rights (including, but not limited to, copyright, patents, trademarks, and database rights) of any other party.
  • Discriminating against, defaming, or otherwise harming the reputation of any person or group based on race, sex, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, or age.
  • Engaging in behavior intended to threaten, harass, annoy, alarm, inconvenience, upset, or embarrass another person.
  • Promoting or assisting in any form of unlawful activity, including but not limited to activities that are obscene, sexually explicit, deliberately offensive, hateful, inflammatory, or violent.
  • Threatening or violating another person’s right to privacy.
    Misrepresenting your identity or affiliation in a way that is intended to deceive others, excluding obvious parodies that do not fall within any other prohibited activities listed herein.
  • Implying any form of affiliation with Right Turn Websites where none exists, or engaging in behavior that is intended or likely to deceive others.
    Breaching any legal duty owed to a third party, including contractual duties and duties of confidentiality.

During a suspension of the Service these Terms and Conditions shall continue to apply. If we suspend your access to the Service due to your actions, access will only be reinstated once we are assured that you will use the Service in strict accordance with these Terms and Conditions. We will make reasonable efforts to notify you promptly of any suspension and/or termination and provide an explanation for our actions.

7. Indemnity

You agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless us and directors from theory of liability (whether based in contract, tort, negligence, warranty, or otherwise) for any indirect, consequential, exemplary, incidental, punitive, or special damages or lost profits due to your use of the Service, including the use by any authorized user or caller in violation of these Terms and Conditions.

8. Privacy & Personal Information

Please review our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy to understand how we handle your personal information, safeguard your privacy, and manage your data when using our Service or submitting information to us.